Lavinia Magee is a Nurse Consultant in Thoracic Oncology at Royal Papworth Hospital in Cambridge. Her oncology career started in 1997 as a clinical research nurse and database manager. She gained an MSc in Clinical Oncology from the University of Birmingham in 2003 and has specialist interests in the diagnosis and management of lung cancer.
Lavinia Magee is a Nurse Consultant in Thoracic Oncology at Royal Papworth Hospital in Cambridge. Her oncology career started in 1997 as a clinical research nurse and database manager. She gained an MSc in Clinical Oncology from the University of Birmingham in 2003 and has specialist interests in the diagnosis and management of lung cancer.
As a National Lung Cancer Forum For Nurses (NLCFN) member, she was awarded the first Research Interest Group Grant to look at the psychosocial impact of taking tyrosine kinase inhibitors. In 2013, she became a committee member of the NLCFN and was involved in developing the Using Your Voice in MDT workshops and the Promoting Research in Oncology Nursing project. She represents the NLCFN at the UK Lung Cancer Coalition, Lung Cancer Europe Forum and is a member of the LOcoRegionalDisease (LORD) NCRI subgroup.
She reviews a caseload of patients in two nurse-led follow-up clinics per week. Working with a team of clinical nurse specialists, within a dedicated multidisciplinary team, she feels proud to look after patients with lung cancer and mesothelioma. Everyone in the team is passionate about helping patients and their families who smoke consider and subsequently achieve smoking cessation.
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