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Matt Fowler

Matt Fowler is Consultant Nurse for Oncology and Haematology, Heartlands Hospital, Birmingham, UK.

Matt Fowler is Consultant Nurse for Oncology and Haematology, Heartlands Hospital, Birmingham, UK. He graduated as a nurse from the University of Birmingham in 1997, and he has worked as a cancer nurse since 1999. He holds a MSc in Nursing, a Post Graduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical Practice from Warwick University, Coventry, UK, and he has just embarked upon his PhD journey.

Nurse Fowler’s research interests lie in advanced practice in cancer nursing, vascular access care as well as the management of low-risk febrile neutropenia. Additionally, he has a keen interest in promoting cancer nursing as a profession to undergraduate nurses: he regularly teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate nurses, including the higher diploma in oncology and palliative care nursing at Bethlehem University, Palestine.

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Other lung cancer faculty

Erik Aerts
President of the Haematology Nurses and Healthcare Professionals Group
Jacqueline Wilson
Senior Sister of the Day Case Chemotherapy Unit and Community Chemotherapy Service, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital.
Nicola Armstrong
Thyroid Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.