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Rachel Thomas

Following her graduation with a BSc in Adult Nursing (in 2000), Rachel spent 5 years specialising in HIV patient care, completing a parallel MSc in Healthcare Research. She progressed to a Clinical Nurse Specialist after gaining extensive cancer patient care experience gathered across the various stages of the oncology patient pathway.

Rachel joined Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital in 2009 and was awarded funding by Mesothelioma UK to be a nominated Mesothelioma Clinical Nurse Specialist. She is a nurse prescriber and a NLCFN committee member, which has enabled her to advocate for patients on a national and international stage, and also sit as the nurse representative for the British Thoracic Society.

Rachel mentors Clinical Nurse Specialists to set up and manage tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) nurse-led UK clinics. She runs the only Mesothelioma Support Group for patients and carers in London and works with Mesothelioma UK to raise awareness for mesothelioma across London, Kent and Brighton.

Rachel regularly presents on the role of Immuno-oncology and the treatment impact on patient prognosis and outcomes. She has written several articles surrounding nurse management of patients treated with immuno-oncology, taking part in advocacy for equality of access and nursing care in the UK.

Other lung cancer faculty

Julia McAdam
Macmillan Lung Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist, Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Shropshire
Matt Fowler
Consultant Nurse for Oncology and Haematology, Heartlands Hospital, Birmingham, UK