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Rachel Mugnai

Rachel Mugnai is a Nurse Adviser at Target Ovarian Cancer. Rachel provides information and support to anyone affected by ovarian cancer through the charity’s nurse-led support line. She also supports the development of award-winning patient information and engages with Clinical Nurse Specialists to advance the care received by women with ovarian cancer across the UK.

In previous roles Rachel has worked as both a Clinical Nurse Specialist and Clinical Trials Nurse in gynae oncology. She has experience in providing holistic, evidence-based care to women with ovarian cancer and their families and providing nurse-led follow up services.

Other lung cancer faculty

Julia McAdam
Macmillan Lung Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist, Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Shropshire
Matt Fowler
Consultant Nurse for Oncology and Haematology, Heartlands Hospital, Birmingham, UK
Karen Clayton
Advanced Nurse, Macmillan Lung Cancer Lead Nurse/Team leader Specialist Palliative Care East Cheshire NHS Trust