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Audrey Scott

Qualifying in 1998, Audrey has worked with head and neck cancer patients for 18 years, positioned as surgical unit ward manager for several years.

She has been a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Mount Vernon Cancer Centre for 12 years, supporting patients throughout treatment; post-operative or primary radiotherapy, chemo-radiotherapy, chemotherapy or immunotherapy.

Audrey is an independent non-medical prescriber and runs a post-treatment nurse led clinic that carries out holistic needs’ assessments, ensuring the correct support level is provided to address patients’ needs and concerns.

Audrey leads the head and neck support nurses, aiming to ensure patients are supported and equipped to deal with side effects. Previously, she focused on skin care during radiotherapy and transformed the historic usage of dressings to the practice of research-based techniques. Audrey has rewritten skin care guidelines for the cancer centre and published evaluations in the British Journal of Nursing, also presenting her work internationally. Audrey is a committee member and previous Chair of BAHNON (British Association of Head and Neck Oncology Nurses).

Other lung cancer faculty

Josie Roberts
Lung Cancer Nurse Specialist The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust
Lizzy Husain
Deputy Director of Services, Target Ovarian Cancer, London
Jackie Fenemore
Lung Cancer Advanced Nurse Practitioner Christie Hospital Foundation Trust